Thursday, March 17, 2011

I will continue blogging about adoption...

So many of you already know, adoption can be a long drawn out process.  Benjamin came home so quickly, but we still have some waiting until finalization.  There is no risk of is losing Benjamin as long as we take good care of him:) But we have to adhere to the adoption laws in Utah and that law state we cannot legally adopt him for 6 months.  So for now, we schedule post placements and send updates and are at the mercy of others when it comes to our son.  I am not complaining...  Adoption is a miracle- a true miracle!  Trust me, we have done it three times.  And part of me is really glad we get to readopt here.  It was so fun with Andrew and Annabelle and we intend to have the same big party on Benjamin's big day.  What??!!  A party?  Aren't you shocked?!  HA!  And part of me is glad he isn't truly our (on paper) yet because it makes me so much more grateful for the process and so thankful for Benjamin's birth mom.  But just part of me, a tiny little part sometimes, just sometimes, just wants it to all be over.  That little part that doesn't want to pay for birth father rights to be severed.  I don't want to have more post placements so someone else can prove we are doing a good job keeping him healthy.  I just want to raise my son and have it be nobody else's business.  I just want to focus on our new family of five.  Then I am reminded that we are all adopted by our heavenly father.  And I am so glad there isn't a tiny bit of his heart that didn't want to sacrifice for me.  Glad that He never grumbled about all that He did to make me His child.
So I will continue to write here in this adoption blog until we have finalized our adoption process with Benjamin (and probably longer).  Thank you for continuing to travel on this journey with us.

PS- Here is a pic of Benjamin at 2 months old.

1 comment:

  1. Molly,
    Your story is such a wonderful testament of patience, sacrifice, and love. Thank you for sharing!
    I can't believe your little man is already 2 months old! He has changed so much.
    So happy for your family!
    Alesha :)
