Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So here are the details

I won't be posting a ton of pics just yet, as we haven't done this before and want to figure out how much of Benjamin's story we want kept private and how much we want to be public (as for public, I mean all 7 of you who read this blog).    But here is the story of how Benjamin Jer William came into this world!
10:00am-Agency calls, birthmom is being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.  She is bleeding heavily.  They will call us when they know more.
10:01am- Andrew, Annabelle and I got on our knees and prayed for our baby and his birth mom.
10:05am-Called Bill and EVERYONE we could get a hold of to ask them to pray.
10:30am-Agency called and said birth mom is fine, baby is fine but birth mom is dialated to 6 cm and we need to get on a plane
10:31am-Gather Andrew and Annabelle and praise God for keeping our baby and his birth mom safe.
10:32am- Bill leaves work (1 hour from our house).  Incidentally, he carpooled to work, so him leaving required his carpool buddy to bring him home-Thanks Angie!
10:33am-Called my mom and promptly bawled my eyes out with relief, worry, excitement, terror...
10:35am- Call Emily, whose parents had offered to give us vouchers for air fair (13 hours earlier).  I polietly told them we didn't think we would need them, unless birthmom went early.  So we now needed them.
11:00am- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis (Emma's parents) booked us on the 2:00 flight to Salt Lake City.  Aunt Frankie comes over to get the kids calmed down and to school.
11:30am- Toyota guy shows up to work on the rental we have while the van is getting fixed (perfect timing right)
11:45am- Toyota guy finishes and Aunt Frankie takes the kids to school (talk about a teary goodbye).  I kept thinking of the "last time of a family of four"...
12:30pm- Suit cases are packed and all tied with matching baby blue ribbon
12:31pm- We realize we have thought of everything except how we were going to get to the airport...
12:32pm- Carmen (our neighbor) to the rescue
1:00pm- Arrive at the airport for our 2:00 flight
1:36pm- Benjamin Jer William Sanborn makes his debut (unbeknownst to us)
4:40pm- Land in Utah and make the LONGEST 15 minute drive in history to the hospital
5:15pm- Meet our sweet baby Benjamin for the first time

First time we saw him

AHHH!!!!  That's our baby!!!!

I know, no one is surprised by the hysterics!!

Much more composed Daddy!
So that is how it all went down.  We will post more later about how the details all worked out and God orchestrated a miracle!


  1. Tears! Oh my gosh, how absolutely breathtaking! What an incredible experience! Thanks for posting!

  2. You are precious, mama. Congratulations on baby #3...can't wait to meet him!!

  3. Wow Molly what a crazy birth story!! So glad you all got there in record time. I love hearing how God provided every step of the way! Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! You have been in my thoughts, what a wonderful miracle!

  5. That is an amazing story. Praise God! Congratulations!
    Love, Dee Rich

  6. Congratulations Sanborns :) Can't wait to see you all (hopefully in a couple weeks if you're up for it)!!!! xoxo

  7. It was so fun to see you at the doctors! I love hearing about your story and how your family is growing! God is Good....how blessed are you and your family.

  8. Amazing story Molly! God is great! Congratulations!

  9. Molly, Make that 8 people that read your blog. Congrats!!!! Wendy
